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Martin Hall

Martin Hall is a historical archaeologist and strategic leader. He joined the university of Salford in April 2009 as vice chancellor designate, before taking up his role as vice chancellor in August 2009

September 2014

  • Greg Clark

    Why Greg Clark’s silence on tuition fees could backfire

    The universities minister is refusing to reveal Conservative plans on tuition fees and overseas students. This provides an opportunity for Labour to make the running on higher education policy

August 2014

  • Ed Miliband

    Universities and the 2015 election: gulf between big parties widens

    Labour is committed to lowering fees, the Tories are eager to let them rise. Next year will be very significant for higher education, says Martin Hall

October 2010

  • University Of Birmingham Hold Degree Congregations

    The social cost of variable tuition fees

    Martin Hall
    Martin Hall: Variable tuition fees could penalise universities that offer the best chances to students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds