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Hamant Verma

Hamant Verma is the editor of Eastern Eye, Britain's biggest-selling Asian newspaper.

He is credited with taking the paper back to its anti-racism roots. He has supported the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's proposal for the British Empire to be taught as a compulsory subject in schools and has campaigned on behalf of doctors and highly-skilled workers who have suffered because of sudden changes to immigration rules.

He is also an active member of the Lelung Dharma Trust and Free Tibet, and was a judge at Amnesty International Media Awards in 2007.

Eastern Eye stages the annual Asian Business Awards for which it publishes the Asian Rich List.

April 2009

  • Ace Cafe, London, where drivers of modified cars celebrated release of Fast & Furious, 8 April 2009.

    Fast and furious cars speed across London

    To celebrate tomorrow's release of the film Fast & Furious, a convoy of 40 'pimped up' cars drove across London last night from the Ace Cafe in Wembley to the O2. By Paul Owen and Hamant Verma

August 2008

  • Avoiding the European disease

    Hamant Verma

    Hamant Verma: Britain has always been more integrated and multicultural than the continent. But there are worrying signs this may be changing

January 2008

  • Davis calls for zero tolerance of crime after Newlove case

    Shadow home secretary David Davis today appealed to the police to take a "zero tolerance" attitude to crime

October 2007

  • Football's Asian question

    Hamant Verma

    Hamant Verma: Four British-Asian players have been chosen to represent Pakistan. But shouldn't they be playing for England?

August 2007

  • After the Raj
    Full speed ahead

    Hamant Verma

    Hamant Verma: After the Raj: Today, the emerging relationship between Britain and India is based on mutual trust and co-operation. This is the future.

July 2007

  • Cynics rule in Southall

    Hamant Verma
    Hamant Verma: News of Tony Lit's gift to Labour will only reinforce Asian voters' distrust of politicians.