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Hanna Gersmann

Hanna Gersmann is a German journalist who is part of the International Journalists' Programme. She heads the national affairs desk of the daily newspaper taz in Berlin

September 2021

  • Election candidates Armin Laschet (CDU/CSU, left) and Olaf Scholz (SPD, right) in Stolberg, Germany, during the floods earlier this year.

    Urgent climate action is getting lost in the heat of Germany’s election campaign

    Hanna Gersmann
    Despite the summer’s floods, frontrunner Olaf Scholz’s ‘moderate’ climate message is holding sway, says German journalist Hanna Gersmann

June 2013

  • Angela Merkel

    Angela Merkel's wrecking of EU car emissions deal risks her reputation

    Hanna Gersmann
    Hanna Gersmann: The German chancellor's unholy alliance with the car industry does not sit well with her international stance on climate change

April 2012

  • Man in bath

    Germany's careful toilet-flushing is a drop in the water-conservation ocean

    Hanna Gersmann
    Hanna Gersmann: Germans are way ahead of Brits when it comes to saving water domestically. But politicians avoid the big issue: agricultural use

December 2011

  • Ultra Efficient  Zeta LED to replace the 60w incandescent bulb

    Green living blog
    LifeBulb: an LED that can match a 60W incandescent?

    Hanna Gersman meets the commercial director of UK-based Zeta, one of a new breed of smaller lighting firms that is pioneering LED technology
  • Walmart

    UK climate aid 'helps Walmart get cheap wind power'

    UK government investment in the Clean Technology Fund is being used to produce cheap electricity for the US multinational, according to the World Development Movement

  • Geoengineering techniques need more study, says science coalition

    Geoengineering techniques need more study, says science coalition

    The Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative says geoengineering could be 'plan B' for climate change

November 2011

  • Anti-nuclear protesters attempt to stop a convoy carrying radioactive waste material in Germany

    Anti-nuclear protests in Germany - in pictures

  • COP17 in Durban : The PACJA 'Trans African Climate Caravan of Hope'

    Q&A: Durban COP17 climate talks

  • Climate advisor to the German government Jochen Flasbarth

    UK's faith in nuclear power threatens renewables, says German energy expert

  • Air pollution : UK carbon emissions

    Industrial pollution 'costs UK billions each year'

  • Rescued killer whale bound for amusement park following legal tussle

  • Retail and food industry improving palm oil sourcing, says WWF

  • Nuclear plans threaten UK's part in renewables revolution, expert warns

  • Recession linked to reduction in European transport pollution

  • EDF fined €1.5m for spying on Greenpeace

  • Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior ship arrives in London - video

  • Medicinal tree used in chemotherapy drug faces extinction

  • BlackBerry maker hits bottom of green electronics rankings‎

  • Bill Oddie: We must 'name and shame' landowners who poison birds of prey

  • Rio Earth Summit postponed after clash with Queen's diamond jubilee

About 32 results for Hanna Gersmann