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Hannah Layland

Hannah Layland is the pseudonym for an advocacy and support worker in a local voluntary organisation

February 2016

  • Because the Aylesbury estate is being demolished, tenants’ addresses are not recognised, and postal workers tend not to deliver here any more because they think everyone has gone.

    Second thoughts
    It’s hard going for people left behind on ‘sink estates’

    Hannah Layland
    When ‘sink estates’ are scheduled for demolition, a handful of families waiting to be rehoused are forced to live among abandoned buildings and unlit passages

November 2015

  • Elderly Woman patient Plays Solitaire with a Nurse in Hospital Ward England UK<br>AKM3B1 Elderly Woman patient Plays Solitaire with a Nurse in Hospital Ward England UK

    Second thoughts
    Charities can’t rescue vital state services

    Hannah Layland
    As an advocacy and support worker in a charity, I’m often asked for help by health and care services trying to offload vulnerable people into volunteers’ hands