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Haroon Moghul

Haroon Moghul is a broadcaster, commentator and storyteller. He's been published at the Washington Post, CNN, Haaretz, and Salon, among others and is the author of The Order of Light (Penguin 2006) and How to be a Muslim: An American Story (Beacon 2017). He's President of Avenue Meem, and you can follow him on Facebook.

March 2016

  • Bernie Sanders

    The 2016 campaign, minute-by-minute
    Romney to vote for Cruz in 'contest of Trumpism and Republicanism' – as it happened

  • Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy.

    Think Trump's an Islamophobe? Meet Ted Cruz's national security adviser

    Haroon Moghul

February 2016

  • donald trump sc 021916

    Memo to Trump: pork isn't kryptonite to Muslims. But bigotry might be yours

    Haroon Moghul
    The Republican frontrunner’s latest foray into Islamophobia would almost be funny, if it didn’t make being a stereotype-trafficking bigot more acceptable

February 2014

  • Salaam Love

    Muslim men don't know how to talk about love. But they need to

    Haroon Moghul

    Haroon Moghul:The demands of religion and love often conflict. Muslim men aren't stone-cold Neolithic leftovers or pseudo-biblical patriarchs