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Pierre Haski

Pierre Haski is a former foreign correspondent and a former deputy editor of the French daily Libération. He is an international affairs commentator for the public broadcaster France Inter and the Nouvel Obs. He is also president of the press freedom NGO Reporters without Borders

July 2024

  • Marine Le Pen with supporters in Paris, France, 1 July 2024

    Macron is history, Le Pen is triumphant. What do ‘reasonable’ French voters like me do now?

    Pierre Haski
    France can look in the mirror and ask what went wrong – or vote for the left to limit the National Rally’s grip on power, says French journalist Pierre Haski

April 2018

  • Protesters in Paris march in support of the rail strike on 3 April.

    Macron has yet to convince a divided, striking France that he’s right

    Pierre Haski
    With unions and students opposing him, the president is facing his first big challenge, says former deputy editor of Libération Pierre Haski

January 2017

  • François Fillon (left) with his wife Penelope (second left) and Alain Juppe (top right) at a political rally in Paris on 29 January.

    Scandal, radicals and insurgencies – all bets are off for the French presidency

    Pierre Haski
    François Fillon’s ‘Penelopegate’ is the latest unexpected twist. Who knows which candidate will win May’s election, and face Trump and Putin on the world stage?

December 2016

  • Jean-Luc Melenchon, candidate of the far left coalition ‘La France insoumise’, addresses supporters during a public meeting in Bordeaux

    Who will rescue the French left after Hollande’s discredited presidency?

    Pierre Haski
    While France’s right – and far right – have their champions, the left looks a divided and crowded field. Where will an outstanding candidate come from?

November 2016

  • Nicolas Sarkozy (right) and François Fillon in 2010

    Nicolas Sarkozy has gone, but this is not good news for French liberals

    Pierre Haski
    François Fillon may not be a populist. However, he is a Thatcherite who opposes equal marriage and leans towards a clash-of-civilisations approach on Islam

April 2016

  • Protestors face riot police as they gather on the Place de la Republique,  in Paris, Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Thousands of protesters have been camping out, holding night-time demonstrations since last week at a symbolic rallying point on the Place de la Republique, to express anger at a proposed labor law and social conditions in France. The social media-driven movement, called "Nuit Debout" or "Rise up at Night," sprang from nationwide strikes and protests last week. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)

    Nuit debout protests are confirmation that France’s political system is broken

    Pierre Haski
    Five years on from Occupy Wall Street, France’s young people are rediscovering the spirit of the revolutionary uprisings in 1968

November 2015

  • President Assad shakes hands with Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin last month.

    The panel
    How to solve the Syrian crisis – the view from around the world

    Vladimir Frolov, Frederic C Hof, Michael Herzog, Hossein Derakhshan, Gencer Özcan, Pierre Haski
  • A French army Rafale fighter at an air base in the gulf.

    The Paris attacks will force France to change its Syria policy

    Pierre Haski

July 2015

  • Illustration by Bill Bragg

    The panel
    Greece’s rescue package: utter humiliation or disaster averted?

    Guy Verhofstadt, Josef Joffe, Mariana Mazzucato, Nick Malkoutzis, Costas Lapavitsas, Dan O'Brien, Ivan Miklos, Pierre Haski, Pablo Iglesias, Marina Prentoulis
    Has the threat of Grexit really been seen off by the deal that emerged from an all-night summit? Our panel of experts from Greece and across the eurozone give their verdict

May 2014

  • Marine Le Pen

    The Front National's victory reflects a failure of France's elite

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: This political earthquake comes at a time of huge national doubt about France's future and its mainstream parties, both right and left

April 2014

  • Francois Hollande

    François Hollande's cabinet reshuffle will further split the weakened left

    The French president's weak position has forced him to act prematurely by changing his PM and bringing in Ségolène Royal

February 2014

  • Hollande and Obama arrive in Charlottesville.

    Is France's Hollande taking over Britain's role as America's best friend?

    Pierre Haski

    Pierre Haski: France and the US have their own version of a special relationship. Both presidents are in need of foreign policy wins

January 2014

  • French President Francois Hollande

    François Hollande - the new French president

    His tangled love life has made Hollande seem more presidential - he is no longer 'Flanby', a wobbly caramel pudding, writes Pierre Haski

September 2013

  • Francois Hollande

    Syria is François Hollande's toughest test yet

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: Since the surprise British vote and the consequent US decision, the French president has been on the defensive

April 2013

  • French president François Hollande

    François Hollande's credibility crisis is not for ever

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: Few people have a good word to say about the French president at the moment, but his gentle reforms can still change that

January 2013

  • The French president, Francois Hollande, right, speaks with members of Malian associations in France

    Hollande: the 'indecisive' French president who intervened in Africa

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: François Hollande, who had signalled a hands-off policy on ex-colonies, has allowed French troops to intervene in Mali

November 2012

  • France Francois Fillon and Jean-Francois Copé

    France's right wing is tearing itself apart

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: Both Jean-François Copé and François Fillon claim leadership of the UMP, while Sarkozy is still seen as the only possible saviour

September 2012

  • francois hollande july 2012

    Will François Hollande's big gamble with the French economy pay off?

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: In his 2013 budget the president's ambitious plan is to reform French finances while avoiding the pain of cuts like Spain's

June 2012

  • Ségolène Royal

    Ségolène Royal's tragedy, with a touch of comedy

    Pierre Haski
    Pierre Haski: A president, two women and a tweet – France has witnessed a tempestuous campaign as a proud Royal is defeated yet again

May 2012

  • Supporters of newly-elected president Francois Hollande,

    François Hollande has 45 days to find a European deal he can sell as a success

    Pierre Haski

    Pierre Haski: Expectations are high in France but reality will soon confront the New French president, the conqueror of Nicolas Sarkozy

About 36 results for Pierre Haski