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Henry Zeffman

January 2016

  • Jess Phillips, Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, speaks out on Question Time.

    Outspoken MP draws line under sex attack row that split a city

  • Social housing in Bristol

    Ministers want to get rid of social housing, former civil service chief to say

  • Whitelee Windfarm in East Renfrewshire, the UK's largest onshore windfarm

    Tories face fight with Lords over onshore windfarm subsidies

  • Houses are reflected in flood water at dawn in Port Elphinstone, near Aberdeen, after the River Don rose to record levels.

    Claims flood defence spending up 'essentially meaningless'

  • Oliver Letwin: inner-city youth ‘more alien than the serfs’

  • Ofsted clashes with ministers over extent of teacher shortages

December 2015

  • Mark Clarke’s RoadTrip campaign, attended by Lord Feldman, right, and Grant Shapps, third from right .

    Conservative party HQ gave data to ‘Tatler Tory’ in bullying scandal

  • The government is targeting repeat offenders.

    Crackdown on drivers using mobile phones

  • David Cameron

    Living wage will lead to new boom in migrants, claim Eurosceptics

  • A Unite against Islamophobia and Racism rally in Tower Hamlets, London in December.

    No rise in anti-Muslim sentiment in UK after Paris attacks – poll

  • Observer Opinium politics polls
    Jeremy Corbyn: 30% of Labour voters do not think he will lead party at next election – poll

  • Attacks on Stop the War coalition harden Jeremy Corbyn’s resolve to stand by his old allies

  • Labour disunited but victorious: this really is a new kind of politics

November 2015

  • Jeremy Corbyn’s email to party members has angered his senior colleagues.

    Corbyn appeals to grassroots as shadow cabinet anger mounts

  • Conservative party chairman Grant Shapps: never far from controversy.

    Grant Shapps profile: from farce to tragedy

  • Grant Shapps leaves 10 Downing Street.

    Inside the investigation that forced Grant Shapps to resign

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Labour rift widens over intervention in Syria

  • How the terror attacks in Paris unfolded

  • Ukip gears up to make Oldham byelection an early test for Jeremy Corbyn

October 2015

  • View of countryside with farmhouse in middle distance

    New Lords showdown over right-to-buy threat to rural areas

    Campaign to Protect Rural England demands countryside to be exempt from plans, claiming families will be forced out of communities
About 26 results for Henry Zeffman