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Iona Hamilton

October 2021

  • Front page 28 October 1971

    From the Guardian archive
    House of Commons approves UK’s entry into Europe – archive, 1971

    Fifty years ago, MPs gathered to debate joining the European Union before voting in favour of entry, by a majority of 112

August 2021

  • Members of the British team at London Airport, en route to Tokyo for the Summer Paralympic Games, 4 November 1964.

    From the Guardian archive
    From the archive: the 1964 Tokyo Paralympics

    In November 1964, Japan hosted the second Paralympic Games to be held alongside the Olympics. See how the Guardian and Observer reported events

December 2018

  • Women queuing up to cast their votes for the first time in the general election, December 1918.

    From the Guardian archive
    Women vote in a UK general election for the first time - December 1918

    A century ago, two-thirds of the total population of women in the UK were able to exercise their franchise in a general election