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Jack Monroe

Jack Monroe is a campaigner, columnist and author

June 2022

  • Illustration

    The heat or eat diaries
    Poverty leaves scars for life – I’m still scared of strangers at the door and bills through the letterbox

    Jack Monroe
    Denying people their needs to save a few quid is a false economy, says campaigner Jack Monroe

March 2022

  • A food bank in Kingston, south-west London

    The UK government is balancing its books on the backs of the poor

    Jack Monroe
    The Conservatives’ economic policy has failed its duty of care to those living in poverty

January 2022

  • Budget ranges offered by supermarkets are becoming smaller or disappearing altogether, leaving shoppers with no option but to buy more expensive equivalents

    We’re pricing the poor out of food in the UK – that’s why I’m launching my own price index

    Jack Monroe
    A whole section of society is being cut adrift by the rising cost of supermarket shopping

January 2021

  • Photograph shows a free school meal pack sent to children which was shared by parents on Twitter.

    The government must listen to the voices of food poverty

    Jack Monroe
    We’ve had endless reviews of policy. Now those who live each day in real hardship should be put at the heart of reform

October 2020

  • A volunteer preparing free packed lunches for children in Bristol.

    The free school meals row should open up a debate about poverty itself

    Jack Monroe
    The public response is heartening. But why are so many falling into such desperate situations? Britain needs a plan of action, says campaigner and author Jack Monroe

September 2020

  • Project manager Fiona Davies at a food bank in Rhyl, north Wales.

    No one who has experienced food poverty would stand by and let it spread like this

    Jack Monroe
    Those pushing for a no-deal Brexit should try to feed two people for a tenner a week as I did, says the campaigner and writer Jack Monroe

May 2020

  • Jack Monroe's anchovy and mushrooms.

    Store cupboard recipes
    Jack Monroe's tribute to tinned fish: four easy recipes for lockdown

    Four easily adaptable dishes from the UK’s queen of thrift, using tinned fish and other store-cupboard ingredients

April 2020

  • OBS storecupboard Chili Final

    Store cupboard recipes
    Tinned peaches, tahini, sardines: recipes to make the most of your store cupboard

    If any of those are lingering in the back of your cupboards, turn them into tasty meals with the help of Jack Monroe, Andi Oliver and other great cooks

December 2019

  • Jack Monroe at home in Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

    Alcoholism doesn't confine me any longer – and it doesn't define me either

  • Jack Monroe with her son Jonny. Southend. Photograph by David Levene 15/2/19

    A special thankyou
    Thank you to ... my son's father – the most decent man I've ever met

August 2019

  • Jack Monroe is a British food writer, journalist and activist known for campaigning on poverty issues, particularly hunger relief.

    Chefs' secret ingredients: turn dinner from basic to brilliant

    Seaweed, trotters, charcoal and even a bit of boiled potato – chefs and food writers on what they add to dinner to make it extra special

May 2019

  • The Jeremy Kyle Show on TV.

    When working-class lives can be so rich, why does reality TV choose to belittle them?

    Jack Monroe
    The death of a Jeremy Kyle guest should be the moment broadcasters celebrate rather than exploit their guests

April 2019

  • Swedish schoolgirl climate activist Greta Thunberg

    Go, Greta. Autism is my superpower too

    Jack Monroe
    Like 16-year-old climate campaigner Greta Thunberg, I think differently. If only certain blinkered men could respect that…

March 2019

  • Jack Monroe’s tinned spud fishcakes.

    Four favourite recipes
    Tin can ally: Jack Monroe’s store-cupboard recipes

    Store-cupboard recipes that cost little, are ready in less than an hour, and might even save you a trip to the shops

January 2019

  • Jack Monroe at her home in Southend-on-Sea.

    My name is Jack Monroe, and I’m an alcoholic. But now I’m recovering…

    The food writer, journalist and campaigner opens up about how alcohol took over her life once fame struck. This is her mea culpa

December 2018

  • Modern can opener on a white background

    Don’t bash millennials for not having tin openers – donate one to a food bank instead

    Yes, a basic opener costs just a pound or two. But that’s a fortune when you can’t even afford to feed yourself

September 2018

  • Jack Monroe tests baked beans from Aldi, Lidl, Tesco and Jack’s.

    No thanks, Jack's: we do have actual taste buds

  • Bag of chips

    The healthiest menu for poor people? An extra helping from government

    Jack Monroe

November 2017

  • Katie Hopkins

    I took Katie Hopkins to court – but I won’t celebrate her leaving Mail Online

    Jack Monroe
    The hatemonger will be driven underground, with fewer checks, writes campaigner Jack Monroe

September 2017

  • Jack Monroe: ‘I have a very simple formula for cooking on a bootstrap budget.’

    Tips for students
    How to eat well for £3.50 a day – by the scrimping experts

    Students spend an average of £24.32 on food a week, according to a recent survey. Here’s how to improve your university menu without overspending
About 130 results for Jack Monroe