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James Meadway

James Meadway is director of the Progressive Economy Forum

November 2023

  • Rishi Sunak departs Downing Street on 15 November.

    Rishi Sunak’s empty boasting about ‘halving inflation’ can’t hide his economic failures

    James Meadway
    It is falling global energy prices that have led to a fall in inflation, rather than anything the prime minister has done, says James Meadway, the host of the Macrodose podcast

April 2023

  • a Tesco supermarket in Thirsk, North Yorkshire.

    The Bank of England is wrong again: workers aren’t to blame for inflation

    James Meadway
    Why should we ‘accept we’re worse off’, when corporate greed and global shortages are really to blame, asks James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum

January 2023

  • Laura Kuenssberg interviews Liz Truss in October 2022.

    Bad economics at the BBC enabled Tory austerity and its aftermath – and it knows as much

    James Meadway
  • Keir Starmer giving a speech in London, 5 January 2023.

    Starmer's path to power
    Keir Starmer may win power, but he won’t be able to turn the UK around on the cheap

    James Meadway

November 2022

  • Jeremy Hunt in Downing Street.

    The Tories’ ‘fiscal black hole’ is a statistical fiction – let’s have a reality check

    James Meadway
    The government’s own arbitrary target is the source of this ‘shortfall’, says James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum

July 2022

  • The City of London viewed from parched Greenwich Park, July 2022.

    We’re living in an age of permanent crisis – let’s stop planning for a ‘return to normal’

    James Meadway
    Current plans seem foolish when we know that shocks such as global heating aren’t going away, says Progressive Economy Forum director James Meadway

May 2022

  • Shell's Brent Bravo oil rig in the North Sea, during a storm.

    Sunak’s package fails to tackle the true cause of UK inflation: shameless profiteering

    James Meadway
    The fact is, the price cap on energy bills is still going up – and this is a political choice, says James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum

November 2021

  • Rishi Sunak at a construction site in Hartlepool, April 2021

    Rail cuts are another sign of the Treasury’s bias against the north of England

    James Meadway
    The transport shakeup is chancellor Rishi Sunak’s latest weapon in the Treasury’s war with No 10, says James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum

September 2021

  • Boris Johnson with the Conservative party’s 2019 election manifesto.

    Tory plans to raise national insurance are regressive. There’s a better way

    James Meadway
    Labour should seize the opportunity to make the case for alternative ways of funding social care, says James Meadway of the Progressive Economy Forum

July 2021

  • Batley and Spen by-election 2021<br>Labour Candidate Kim Leabeater during canvassing and a visit to the Angloco factory which supplies Emergency Fire equipment. She was accompanied on the visit by Labour Rachel Reeves MP. Batley and Spen byElection, 2021.

    Labour’s ‘Buy British’ policy isn’t nostalgia – it’s a smart response to new realities

    James Meadway
    A pledge to use the state’s £290bn procurement budget to buy from British companies is all about a future outside the EU, says James Meadway of IPPR

November 2020

  • Boarded-up shops in Camden, London

    There is a world beyond lockdown. It's time to come up with a hopeful vision

    James Meadway
    We have to confront reality, but it need not be bleak. Where is the radical thinking about a pandemic-proof Britain, asks James Meadway, associate fellow of the IPPR

June 2020

  • The Bank of England and empty streets during the coronavirus pandemic

    Does Labour really need to 'repair' its relationship with the City?

    James Meadway
    These are the three issues the opposition should keep in mind, says James Meadway, associate fellow of the Institute for Public Policy Research

December 2019

  • ‘There could be a situation where the UK is unable to analyse its health data without paying a royalty to Silicon Valley to use an algorithm.’

    NHS data is a goldmine. It must be saved from big tech

    James Meadway
    Health datasets play a vital role in medical research. The UK could be losing a valuable public resource, says James Meadway, associate fellow of the Institute for Public Policy Research

September 2015

  • Shipping containers

    What if? economics
    What if we've reached peak globalisation?

    James Meadway
    With world trade contracting, the UK will need to promote renewables to reduce import dependency and boost regional economic growth

July 2015

  • The potential to expand small-scale hydropower schemes is significant, offering both social and environmental benefits in the process.

    Rethinking prosperity
    Small scale hydropower can provide stream of new jobs to rural regions

    Micro-hydro energy schemes offer significant opportunities to regenerate deprived areas, but must overcome start-up costs and declining subsidies

April 2015

  • Asda wages

    Social impact
    Taxpayers spend £11bn to top up low wages paid by UK companies

    James Meadway
    Businesses paying employees poverty wages are costing taxpayers eleven times the amount benefit fraud cost last year

November 2012

  • Floodwaters in Gilling West near Richmond

    UK floods: deadlock between insurers and government must be broken

    James Meadway
    James Meadway: A tax on insurance companies to fund flood defence and extending government care are a fix, if only short term

September 2012

  • Donation box

    Poverty matters blog
    Development's fat cats have been gorging on private sector values

    James Meadway

    James Meadway: Greater transparency in aid payments is welcome, but the culture of excessive reward also needs rooting out

October 2011

  • Firefighters put out a fire set by anti-government demonstrators in Buenos Aires, December 2001

    When Greece defaults, which South American country will it end up like?

    James Meadway
    James Meadway: Managed defaults overseen by international bodies have been performed before in Uruguay and Argentina, with mixed success

September 2011

  • Argentina financial crisis 2001 demonstrators in Buenos Aires

    The IMF warning reveals just how extreme George Osborne's austerity is

    James Meadway

    James Meadway: A radically different approach is needed if even the gung-ho enforcer of fiscal discipline is telling the chancellor to slow down

About 21 results for James Meadway