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James Morris

James Morris has polled for political leaders in several countries and now advises companies on corporate reputation, positioning and messaging.

March 2020

  • Rishi Sunak

    Politics Weekly UK
    Sunak delivers budget bonanza: Politics Weekly podcast

    Rowena Mason is joined by Larry Elliott, Rachel Wolf and James Morris to discuss how the UK economy will fare

November 2019

  • Britain's opposition Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, poses with fellow politicians at the Bernie Grant arts centre in London. Reuters/Henry Nicholls

    Politics Weekly UK
    Sorry seems to be the hardest word – Politics Weekly podcast

    Heather Stewart is joined by Polly Mackenzie, James Morris, and Andrew Gimson. Plus: Kate Proctor calls in from the Labour campaign trail and Peter Walker explains why the Lib Dem campaign is struggling

February 2017

  • Copeland voters feel the party under Jeremy Corbyn has turned its back on them. Now they have reciprocated, and voted Conservative.

    Working-class desertion of Labour started before Corbyn

    James Morris
    It would be a profound misreading to think the party leader is the sole cause of the problem