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Jamie Murray

July 2008

  • Sportblog
    Nadal proved to Andy there's a big gap in class - but time is on my brother's side

    Jamie Murray

    Jamie Murray: The last Britain standing at Wimbledon has his mind firmly fixed on defending his mixed-doubles title

June 2008

  • Sportblog
    My job is to win matches but the lottery of mixed doubles adds a touch of fun

    Jamie Murray
  • Sportblog
    Enjoy living the dream, but you have to earn it

    Jamie Murray
  • Sportblog
    If it's business as usual, I'll have another title, thanks

  • If it's business as usual, I'll have another title, thanks

July 2007

  • Sportblog
    We had the chemistry and now we have won the title too

  • Sportblog
    Instant critics like to ignore our success stories

June 2007

  • Sportblog
    I might have to hide granny away today as I tend to lose when she's watching

  • Sportblog
    Casa Delgado will stop Andy from cramping my style

April 2007

  • Sportblog
    I guess Andy knew I had been picked but he let John Lloyd tell me

    I'm excited about the Davis Cup: with Andy fit and Tim Henman back, we have a very good team, says Jamie Murray.