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Jeremy Gilbert

Jeremy Gilbert is professor of cultural and political theory at the University of East London

September 2022

  • Mick Lynch speaking at an Enough is Enough rally in Clapham.

    Britain is crying out for radical solutions, but Labour still thinks it’s in the 1990s

    Jeremy Gilbert
    If calls for progressive change are met with derision, something more sinister will fill the vacuum, say the author Jeremy Gilbert

June 2022

  • Mick Lynch, centre, visits the picket line at Euston station in London.

    Union boss Mick Lynch is a media star – and Labour has much to learn about why

    Jeremy Gilbert
    The RMT leader’s clarity is only a surprise because old union hands have long been sidelined, says Jeremy Gilbert, professor at the University of East London

November 2020

  • Keir Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn

    Only electoral reform will rid the Labour party of factionalism

    Jeremy Gilbert
    If Britain had a functioning democracy, Jeremy Corbyn would be leading a socialist party and Keir Starmer a centre-left one, says author Jeremy Gilbert

March 2020

  • Keir Starmer

    The Labour leadership contest has exposed new factions in the party

    Jeremy Gilbert
    Differences are becoming increasingly visible between the soft left, radical left and the orthodox left, says professor of cultural and political theory Jeremy Gilbert

December 2019

  • UK general election result is projected on to BBC Broadcasting House, 13 December 2019

    The only way Labour can win is by ditching ‘Labourism’

    Jeremy Gilbert
    The next leader must take an imaginative leap that Corbyn didn’t – and accept the need for progressive coalitions, says academic Jeremy Gilbert

July 2017

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Labour can win. But first it must explain what Corbynism means

    Jeremy Gilbert
    There are now two competing interpretations, says professor of cultural and political theory Jeremy Gilbert

May 2017

  • Blair celebrates 1997 landslide

    Can Labour win back its heartlands? Not by turning blue

    Jeremy Gilbert
    The party’s loss of support in post-industrial areas dates back to Blair and can no longer be ignored. A fourth way is needed, and Corbyn might have cracked it

October 2014

  • Shoppers on Guildford's historic high street.

    Labour must redefine what it means to be modern – check Facebook for clues

    Jeremy Gilbert
    Jeremy Gilbert: All game-changing governments have presented a new vision of modernity. The left should be ready

January 2010

  • The great university swindle

    Jeremy Gilbert
    Jeremy Gilbert: Government cuts will mean only the richest will get quality education. The rest will be conned into paying more for less

March 2009

  • G20: Don't shut down the debate

    Jeremy Gilbert

    Jeremy Gilbert: The University of East London should rethink its decision to cancel the alternative G20 summit organised by Chris Knight

October 2008

  • Who owns the progressive future?
    Not following in Thatcher's footsteps

    Jeremy Gilbert

    Jeremy Gilbert: After New Labour: Any progressive government of the future needs to abandon the Thatcherite consensus that has caused such social and economic anguish