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Joe Glenton

Joe Glenton is former defence journalist. He was a British soldier for six years, serving in Afghanistan. His book, Soldier Box, was published in 2013

January 2023

  • Prince Harry wears a monocle gun sight as he sits in the front seat of his Apache helicopter.

    If Harry sounds callous about killing, he is. All of us who served were – at least he knows why

    Joe Glenton
    The prince’s comments about Afghan war deaths have caused a furore, but much of what he says is true, says former soldier and Afghan war veteran Joe Glenton

October 2018

  • Tommy Robinson surrounded by British army soldiers, an image taken from his own account.

    The Tommy Robinson photos show how far right the British army is

    Joe Glenton
    There are good reasons why infantrymen were excited to see Britain’s most notorious bigot, says former soldier Joe Glenton

July 2016

  • Lance Corporal Joe Glenton addresses a Stop the War demonstration in London in 2009.

    I fought in an unjust war. Let me tell you what that feels like

    Joe Glenton
    Soldiers sent to fight the bad fight are right to be angry. The politicians who send us to die and kill – in Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam – must be held to account

September 2015

  • Stop the War Demo London<br>epa01909000 Lance Corporal Joe Glenton addresses thousands of people at a Stop the War demonstration in London, Britain, 24 October, 2009. Lance Corporal Joe Glenton faces a court martial after refusing to fight in Afghanistan. Lance Corporal Glenton denies the charge of desertion because he believes the conflict is unlawful. Thousands of people marched through London calling for an end the war in Afghanistan.  EPA/ANDY RAIN

    A moment that changed me
    A moment that changed me – joining the army

    Joe Glenton
    I took the oath in 2004, for economic reasons. It was the first step of a journey so strange, rich and life-altering that I am still grappling with its implications

March 2014

  • The Royal Regiment of Scotland military soldiers marching

    Rape and sexual assaults in the military need more than 'kangaroo court' justice

    Joe Glenton
    Joe Glenton: Informal and unaccountable 'in-house' procedures mean hundreds of allegations go unquestioned

January 2014

  • Soldier in uniform

    Politicians argue about the first world war, but Tommy stays silent

    Joe Glenton
    Joe Glenton: In this war of words that Michael Gove started, the humble soldier is again elevated, but not enough to be asked his opinion

November 2013

  • Royal Marine Commandos in Helmand province, Afghanistan

    Soldier worship blinds Britain to the grim reality of war

    Joe Glenton
    Joe Glenton: A Royal Marine's murder of a wounded Afghan in his custody lays bare the truth of military campaigns

May 2013

  • Woolwich attack: of course British foreign policy had a role

    Joe Glenton

    Joe Glenton: While nothing can justify the killing of a British soldier, the link to Britain's vicious occupations abroad cannot be ignored

April 2012

  • A soldier in Afghanistan

    Why I refused to return to fight in Afghanistan's brutal occupation

    Joe Glenton
    Joe Glenton: The Taliban clearly has broad support from Afghan people. Conscientious objection is a right and obligation in a failed war