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John Holloway

John Holloway is professor of sociology, Autonomous University of Puebla; Leverhulme visiting professor, School of Geography, University of Leeds and author of Crack Capitalism. He is author of Crack Capitalism and Change the World Without Taking Power

August 2012

  • After capitalism
    After Capitalism: 'In the anti-worlds of daily struggles the world beyond capitalism is to be found' - video

    Marxist sociologist John Holloway argues that a world after capitalism is already being imagined in struggles around the world. Students from Central Saint Martins college provide an animated accompaniment

May 2012

  • Protest in Athens, February 2012

    Blockupy Frankfurt is a glimmer of hope in times of austerity

    John Holloway
    John Holloway: Popular protests such as Blockupy offer an alternative to capitalism for those facing a life hunting through garbage cans

February 2012

  • Protests in Athens February 2012

    Greece shows us how to protest against a failed system

    John Holloway
    John Holloway: The rage displayed in Greek cities against austerity measures inspires all who are suffering for the benefit of banks and the rich

March 2011

  • pile of coins

    Today's march is a challenge to the rule of money

    John Holloway
    John Holloway: How do we escape a system that's tearing up the world? We say 'no', and do things differently