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John Sauven

John Sauven is director of Greenpeace

December 2020

  • The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, at midday on 9 September 2020.

    Amid 2020’s gloom, there are reasons to be hopeful about the climate in 2021

    John Sauven
    The concerted global response to the pandemic could be replicated for the fight against the climate crisis, says Greenpeace’s John Sauven

October 2017

  • After a short boat ride from a cruise ship, tourists observe scores of Adelie penguins at Brown Bluff on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula on Dec. 12, 2005.  (AP Photo/Brian Witte)

    Penguins starving to death is a sign that something’s very wrong in the Antarctic

    John Sauven
    Overfishing, oil drilling, pollution and climate change are imperilling the ecosystem. But ocean sanctuaries could help protect what belongs to us all, says Greenpeace director John Sauven

September 2017

  • Offshore wind farm

    Wind power is now cheaper than nuclear – the energy revolution is happening

    John Sauven
    Government policy means the cost of offshore wind energy has halved. The benefits to the UK will be enormous, says John Sauven, director of Greenpeace

July 2017

  • Coke bottles found on beach in Mull

    If you care so much, Coke, why aren't your bottles 100% recycled?

    John Sauven
    Coca-Cola sells more than 100bn single-use plastic bottles a year. Its plans to increase recycled plastic in its bottles to 50% are startlingly unambitious

May 2017

  • Four main parties elections manifesto

    How do the four main parties compare on the environment?

  • Pig carcases hang in an abattoir in Yorkshire

    Why meat eaters should think much more about soil

    John Sauven

March 2017

  •  London, UK. 18th July, 2016. John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, strides past the bus - The Brexit ?Vote Leave? battle bus (used by Boris Johnson) has been acquired by Greenpeace was re-branded outside Parliament. The £350m NHS claim was covered with thousands of questions for the new government from Leave and Remain voters ? many of them about what Brexit means for the environment. The questions, written on stickers, are forming a montage that will spell out the words ?TIME FOR TRUTH? in huge white letters on the side of the bus.

    A strong parliament will be nature’s last line of defence during Brexit

    John Sauven
    EU membership has given Britain vital environmental laws. Any changes to legislation must be done with full public scrutiny to protect us from exploitation

October 2016

  • Plane over houses in west London

    The decision to back a third runway at Heathrow is a grotesque folly

    John Sauven
  • Deepwater Horizon, film still 2016

    North Sea or Great Australian Bight, oil drilling is always a risky business

    John Sauven

August 2016

  • The pro-renewable energy campaigners camped near the entrance to the Hinkley C construction site near Bridgwater, Somerset (21 Oct 2015).

    For a secure energy future, there are far better investments than Hinkley

    John Sauven
    John Sauven: The nuclear project is outdated and expensive - the UK should be focussing money and effort on renewables, interconnectors, storage, smart grids and efficiency

July 2016

  • A protest sign referencing the Hinkley nuclear power station is seen on a street sign in Whitehall, London, April 15, 2016. French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron has told state-owned utility EDF’s unions on Thursday that he had not taken a decision yet on whether or not to go ahead with the Hinkley Point nuclear project in Britain, financial daily Les Echos, quoting union sources, reported.

    Hinkley Point C is no more than a doomed attempt at face-saving

    John Sauven
    With all the costs and risks involved, the spectre of George Osborne’s energy policy could haunt Britain for decades

May 2016

  • A diver inspects bleached coral on the Great Barrier Reef

    A birthday gift for David Attenborough – how about the Great Barrier Reef?

    John Sauven
    Of all his amazing experiences, the television legend recalls his first dive on the reef as the most memorable. But it’s dying before our eyes

March 2016

  • Scottish Conservatives Meet For Their Spring Conference<br>EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND - MARCH 04:  A man with vote leave EU badges attends the Scottish Conservative Party spring conference on March 4, 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Prime Minister David Cameron said in his speech to the Scottish Conservative Party spring conference insisted his party was the only one that could challenge the Scottish National Party at the Holyrood elections.  (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

    Why green groups have a right to be heard on the EU referendum

    John Sauven
    New charities guidance does not exclude us from the debate - we have an obligation to explain the environmental repercussions of Brexit

May 2015

  • Occupy Edinburgh

    Keep it in the ground
    A manifesto for a more sustainable world

    John Sauven
    John Sauven: We can do more than just endure or adapt to climate change, we can tackle it and create a better, more just society in the process

January 2015

  • Bill and Melinda Gates against large screen

    Davos 2015
    What happened when Greenpeace went to Davos?

    John Sauven
    While I heard many fine words at Davos, are we going to see real action as a result?, asks John Sauven

December 2014

  • Winston Churchill at his desk, 1945

    Reflections and predictions 2015
    2015: the beginning of the end for climate sceptics

    John Sauven
    Now an agreement has been struck between China and the US on carbon emissions, we can be optimistic about the coming year, says Greenpeace UK director John Sauven

April 2014

  • Greenpeace storm the Gazprom Prirazlomnaya oil platform in Arctic

    Arctic oil: it is madness to celebrate a new source of fossil fuels

    John Sauven
    John Sauven: As the first barrels head for Europe, we cannot afford – and do not need – new sources of harder to reach fossil fuels

March 2014

  • A gas pipeline near Kiev

    Fracking won't crack our dependence on Russian gas imports

    John Sauven
    John Sauven: Using the Crimea crisis to promote fracking is disingenuous – only tackling climate change can reduce our exposure

January 2014

  • The Burberry 'B' lights up on the catwalk runway at the Chelsea College of Art and Design.

    A suggestion for Burberry's next line: toxin-free fashion

    John Sauven
  • Wind turbines at the London Array project. Europe needs a 2030 renewable energy target, says the head of Greenpeace UK

    Environment blog
    Europe must set a new renewable energy target

About 79 results for John Sauven