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Jonathan Michie

Jonathan Michie is professor of innovation and knowledge exchange at the University of Oxford where he is director of the department for continuing education and president of Kellogg College

April 2024

  • Professor Stephen Salter of Edinburgh University with his prototype wave machine by a wave tank. Edinburgh Scotland, UK 21/6/01 © COPYRIGHT PHOTO BY MURDO MACLEOD All Rights Reserved Tel + 44 131 669 9659 Mobile +44 7831 504 531 Email: STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY see for details: No syndication, no redistrubution, repro fees apply.

    Letter: Stephen Salter obituary

    Jonathan Michie writes: Stephen Salter always championed migration, innovation and environmental sustainability

March 2009

  • End our reliance on the City casino

    Jonathan Michie

    Jonathan Michie: The financial markets' winning run is over – and we need more than regulation to reverse the effects of laissez faire capitalism

October 2008

  • Business blog
    Back to the future? No, thanks

    Jonathan Michie

    Jonathan Michie: The only solution to mass unemployment is to invest in workforce skills, not resort to Thatcher-style labour market 'flexibility'

September 2006

  • Game of two payments

    Jonathan Michie
    Jonathan Michie: A simple reform of the way agents work could make recent antics a thing of football's past.

October 2005

  • A stake in success

    Jonathan Michie

    Jonathan Michie: Like Wayne Rooney, employees want to be part of a winning team.

May 2005

  • Bankrupt the firm and save the club

    Jonathan Michie

    Jonathan Michie: The Manchester United takeover reflects a deeper corporate malaise.

March 2005

  • Our mutual friends

    Jonathan Michie: New evidence underlines the benefits cooperatives and mutuals bring to their members - but also to the wider economy and community

December 2004

  • The business of football

    Analysis: The campaign against the attempted takeover of Manchester United has had a dramatic impact on boardroom attitudes and company law.

November 2003

  • West's free-market agenda is unlikely to compensate losers

    Debate: Are we living in a global village or is it just that the rich countries are becoming more forceful in their demands that the rest of the world's economies should be opened up to western corporations?

June 2003

  • Our mutual friends

    Mistrust of corporations is growing because they put shareholders first. That creates opportunities for cooperatives and mutuals, which don't.

April 2003

  • Win-win solution

    The European commission's threat to the Premiership's TV deal might be headed off if some of the money went to democratising football, writes Jonathan Michie.

December 2002

  • Inside the productivity gap

    Jonathan Michie: Government schemes to boost performance through employee share ownership won't work because they discourage collective participation.

September 2002

  • The currency that spells cuts

    Jonathan Michie

    Jonathan Michie: Joining the euro would mean a squeeze on jobs, services and pay. That's why the European elite won't change the rules.

May 2002

  • Madeleine Bunting's working lives column
    Lakshmi Mittal's road to ruin

    Tony Blair championed him, but his company Ispat is diametrically opposed to Labour ideals.