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Kate Green

Kate Green is the Labour MP for Stretford and Urmston, and the shadow education secretary

February 2021

  • James Wharton

    Tory Cronyism has struck again – and this time, higher education will suffer

    Kate Green
    James Wharton’s appointment to chair the Office for Students threatens its independence, says the shadow education secretary, Kate Green

March 2016

  • George Osborne

    Is Osborne afraid to tell us the budget’s impact on family incomes?

    Seema Malhotra and Kate Green
    The chancellor should reinstate the publication of full distributional analysis of the budget. Without scrutiny, there can’t be good governance

September 2013

  • group of children running in the playground

    One Nation
    Investing in our children is central to Labour's one-nation vision

    Kate Green
    Kate Green: One Nation: Tackling child poverty is the first step to ensuring all children have access to education and the opportunity to fulfil their potential

September 2009

  • Response
    Means-testing child benefits will hit the poor, not the rich

    Kate Green
    Response: Evidence shows that the complexity and stigma involved would reduce take-up, says Kate Green

June 2009

  • Kate Green on Peter Townsend

    Kate Green: As one of our founders Peter Townsend held a special place in the hearts of Child Poverty Action Group members

December 2008

  • All children should get free school meals

    Kate Green

    Kate Green: In a country that is supposedly intent on reducing child poverty and enhancing child wellbeing, it is disgraceful that they do not

November 2008

  • A rescue plan for poor families

    Kate Green

    Kate Green: Ending our culture of inequality through tax credit increases for the less well-off will support the economy and reduce child poverty

April 2008

  • A price worth paying

    Kate Green

    We must make fundamental changes to our economy and taxation system if we want to meet our obligations to Britain's poorer children

December 2007

  • The beginning of the end

    Kate Green

    Eradicating child poverty is possible, but it will require a new, sustained sense of moral purpose among politicians of all parties

September 2007

  • It's not benefits but the tax system that needs more means-testing

    Kate Green
    The best way to get money to the poor is universal benefits and progressive taxation, says Kate Green.

July 2007

  • Credit where it's due

    David Blunkett and Kate Green have come up with a plan to help people in poverty avoid the need to use loan sharks.

March 2007

  • Suffer the children

    Kate Green

    The government's flagship policy of reducing child poverty has taken a severe dent. The only answer is to put more resources back in.

June 2006

  • Bring back free school meals

    Kate Green

    Hull council's decision to scrap free meals at primary school is a blow to children's health, says child poverty campaigner Kate Green.

September 2002

  • Lame Cento may force Becker out

    September 18: Otto Becker's World Equestrian Games may come to an early end if it is confirmed that the German's horse Dobels Cento has run lame.