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Kay Holmes

Kay Holmes is a writer and journalist. She lives in London

November 2018

  • Young woman shouting into mobile phone

    Don’t be scared to challenge antisocial phone users – they’re people too

    Kay Holmes
    A gentle reminder is much more human than angrily putting up with it, says freelance journalist Kay Holmes

July 2018

  • Children running in school playground, their legs reflected in rain puddle

    Saying goodbye to your child’s primary school? You’re going to miss it

    Kay Holmes
    The little girl who once hugged me at the gates has moved on, says freelance writer Kay Holmes

January 2018

  • Oxford Street, London

    Why was I forced to spray paint over a Nazi slogan on a London bus stop?

    Kay Holmes
    When the authorities failed to react quickly to the antisemitic graffiti, I took things in to my own hands, says Kay Holmes