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Laura Milne

June 2001

  • Don't put a full stop on dot.coms yet

    The headlines have made grim reading with one internet operation after another announcing job losses. But, writes Laura Milne, there are still IT opportunities.

April 2001

  • Thanks for the memories

    I could smell the waves of ganja wafting towards me and I thought: I've done all this. It was my moment of vanity, if you like - John Peel on the Royal Festival Hall

  • Around the world in 27 junkets

    They are dubbed rent-a-prince and princess pushy - Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. Now, after the Sophie tapes, their endless travelling is alarming the Foreign Office and Palace
    • 'Detailed' help short on detail

    • It was Lisa who shot EastEnder Phil

    • Move to lift prison voting ban fails

June 2000

  • Villains use their cars to attack police

  • OFT to investigate rum goings-on in student bars

April 2000

  • Rum do for NUS over drink deal

    Once they protested against the Vietnam war and Thatcher "the milk snatcher", and boycotted Barclays Bank over its trade links to apartheid South Africa. But the National Union of Students has decided not to include Bacardi, the world's largest rum producer, in its hall of infamy despite the company's anti-Castro links.

March 2000

  • Officers tell of lives destroyed

    Detective Inspector John Redgrave and Detective Constable Michael Charman, two experienced Met detectives, never thought their involvement in Operation Nightshade would destroy their careers.