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Len McCluskey

Len McCluskey was general secretary of the union Unite from 2011-21

September 2021

  • Supporters of Jeremy Corbyn demand he has the whip  restored to him, Finsbury Park, London, November 2020

    I trusted Keir Starmer – until I saw how he handled Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension

    Len McCluskey
    If the Labour leader continues on the course he is presently charting, I fear for the party’s chances at the next election, says former Unite general secretary Len McCluskey

May 2020

  • Closed sign in a shop window in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, 12 May 2020.

    Protecting and creating jobs must be a priority in any coronavirus recovery

    Len McCluskey
    Rishi Sunak must avoid free-market ideology. The government reducing support to workers too early would be disastrous, says Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite

September 2019

  • Lisa Nandy

    What should Labour do about Brexit? Five key party voices

    With a general election expected soon, senior party figures say what the policy should be

February 2019

  • Labour MPs (left to right) Ann Coffey, Angela Smith, Chris Leslie, Chuka Umunna, Mike Gapes, Luciana Berger and Gavin Shuker after they announced their resignations from Labour at County Hall in Westminster.

    History will judge the selfish breakaway Independent Group

    Len McCluskey
    The reasons given by the seven MPs who have left Labour do not stand up to scrutiny, says Unite leader Len McCluskey

June 2016

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Labour mutineers are betraying our national interest

    Len McCluskey
  • Unite march

    A Brexit won’t stop cheap labour coming to Britain

    Len McCluskey

September 2015

  • Jeremy Corbyn at the Queen Elizabeth conference centre

    Blairism is dead and buried. Jeremy Corbyn is the future

    Len McCluskey
    All the talk of going back to the 80s is misplaced. Young people are flocking to a new kind of politics

May 2015

  • Unite members protest in support of hotel housekeeping staff

    Mandelson is wrong: Labour can’t survive without the unions

    Len McCluskey
    Peter Mandelson may condemn our involvement with Labour, but we were vital to the votes the party did gain – and to creating a more consensual future

March 2015

  • A Unite picket line

    Unions must be able to fight for workers – even if it means breaking bad laws

    Len McCluskey
    People have intrinsic rights that democratically elected legislatures sometimes violate. The right of working people to combine, to organise, is one of them

October 2014

  • People's History Museum, Spinningfields, Manchester UK. Image shot 2010. Exact date unknown.

    The Tories are trying to erase working people from history

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: Slashing funds for the People’s History Museum in Manchester is a malicious, politically motivated attack on the labour movement

July 2014

  • Brighton TTIP demo

    You told us
    The NHS is being taken over by Wall Street. And Cameron won’t stop it

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: You told us: The prime minister’s refusal to exempt our health service from a deal that will make it impossible to reverse privatisation really is a matter of life and death

April 2014

  • The Falinge estate in Rochdale

    Len McCluskey on Capital in the Twenty-First Century: 'manna from heaven'

    The general secretary of Unite says Thomas Piketty's book gives an intellectual edge to his own view that something is wrong with our economic system, and proves that radical change is needed

October 2013

  • Grangemouth dispute

    Grangemouth shows the inequality of the fight that unions face now

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: Unite's priority is standing up for its members in the face of onslaught by powerful companies. Labour should take note

September 2013

  • Zero hour contracts protest

    Labour needs to restore dignity to British working people

    Len McCluskey
  • Ed Miliband

    The panel
    Ed Miliband's TUC speech: panel verdict

    Len McCluskey, Frances O'Grady, Emma Burnell, Neal Lawson, Melissa Kite and Richard Seymour

July 2013

  • Lord Sainsbury + Blair

    Yes, Labour's selection process has been abused, but not by the unions

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: It is time the spotlight was turned on the right wing of the party, who have used parliamentary seats as patronage for too long

June 2013

  • David Cameron

    Lobbying scandal? Better bring up the stale old anti-union vomit

    Len McCluskey
    Len McCluskey: Never mind voter concerns about influence-peddling – Cameron sees an chance to placate his party with a rightwing policy dose

May 2013

  • peter mandelson

    Peter Mandelson's selection argument is about politics not procedure

    Len McCluskey

    Len McCluskey: Response: Opposition to union-backed MPs is driven by a desire to keep New Labour the preserve of a socially restricted elite

October 2012

  • Ford To Cut 1300 Car Jobs

    Ford must be a wake-up call for government

    Len McCluskey
  • Ed Miliband

    The panel
    Ed Miliband speech: panel verdict

    Len McCluskey, Gavin Kelly, Kate Pickett, Tim Montgomerie, Patrick Diamond
About 31 results for Len McCluskey