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Mabel Msonthi

Mabel Msonthi is user support manager for

May 2017

  • Faster download<br>Laptop computer streaming data.

    Engineering blog
    How our userhelp team became more digitally focused

    Embedding our userhelp team within development helped us gain a much better relationship with our readers.

August 2005

  • Foibles


November 2004

  • Leagle eagles

    Support staff

May 2004

  • Court marshals

    It's an unpredictable job requiring careful training and coolness under pressure. Mabel Msonthi on court clerks.

January 2004

  • Safety harnessed

    Negligence can be costly as well as debilitating at work. Mabel Msonthi talks to the professionals about the dos and don'ts of health and safety.

July 2002

  • Making money

  • Servants of the crown

November 2001

  • Madeleine Bunting's working lives column
    Keep the trainer on the rails

    A course is only useful if the person leading it knows what the delegates expect, says Mabel Msonthi.

June 2001

  • Messing about on the river

    A week's adventure on the Amazon sees Mabel Msonthi bird-watching at 5am and losing herself in the dense forest - not to mention catching her own piranha for dinner

February 2001

  • Commons touch

    As parliamentary secretary to two MPs, Philipa Coughlan tells Mabel Msonthi what it's like at the heart of Westminster

January 2001

  • Fully booked

    Lynda Page wrote her first novel in her lunch hours, while a secretary. She tells Mabel Msonthi how and why she still juggles two jobs despite literary success.

November 2000

  • Behind the screens

  • Madeleine Bunting's working lives column
    Ways with words

October 2000

  • Black and Asian people obtain more degrees than whites. So why do so few get senior jobs?

  • Dramatic interlude

September 2000

  • Living history

    What's it like to work for an organisation that began before 1066? A lot more modern than you'd think, Joanne Dunnachie tells Mabel Msonthi

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