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Malathi de Alwis

Malathi de Alwis is a socio-cultural anthropologist who has published extensively on issues of nationalism, militarism, humanitarianism and
feminism in Sri Lanka. Her current work explores the politicisation of suffering and the memorialisation of grief in the wake of atrocity and
disaster. For further details click here

May 2010

  • Sri Lanka must respect memory of war

    Malathi de Alwis
    Malathi de Alwis: Bulldozing LTTE cemeteries and urging people to forget the war will only further alienate the Tamils and stall reconciliation

October 2009

  • Don't ignore militarised sexual violence

    Malathi de Alwis
    Malathi de Alwis: There's no evidence of rape as a weapon of war in Sri Lanka – but all governments must confront military acts of sexualised brutality

April 2009

  • Sri Lanka's divided demonstrators

    Malathi de Alwis
    Malathi de Alwis: Sri Lankan peace protesters, at home and abroad, are caught between the government and the Tamil Tigers