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Malkia Cyril

Malkia Cyril is the founder and executive director of the Oakland-based Center for Media Justice and co-founder of the Media Action Grassroots Network (MAG-Net), a coalition of 175 grassroots community groups that have been a driving force behind the net neutrality movement.

March 2016

  • Like its predecessors, the democratic movement for black lives has been met by anti-democratic state surveillance and anti-black police violence. N

    Black Americans and encryption: the stakes are higher than Apple v FBI

    Malkia Cyril in Oakland, California
    As the child of a Black Panther I grew up under the threat of surveillance, and I say encryption is critical for human rights

February 2015

  • FCC

    Only net neutrality can protect the internet from becoming like TV: white, middle-class and exclusive

    Malkia Cyril
    The internet gave marginalized groups a voice. Will the FCC keep it that way?