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Marcy Darnovsky

Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, is executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society.

November 2018

  • Scientists at work in a laboratory in Shenzhen, China

    Gene-edited babies: no one has the moral warrant to go it alone

    Katie Hasson and Marcy Darnovsky
    A scientist claims to have created genetically modified humans. This should be of grave concern

July 2018

  • Embryo selection for IVF light micrograph

    Genetically modifying future children isn’t just wrong. It would harm all of us

    Marcy Darnovsky
    Genome editing for human embryos is an unnecessary threat to society, says Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society

December 2015

  • doublestranded DNA DNA helix<br>AXJJPK doublestranded DNA DNA helix

    Human gene editing is a social and political matter, not just a scientific one

    Marcy Darnovsky
    This week’s summit has explicitly left the door open and unlocked for gene editing for human reproduction. This concerns us all: we need a wider debate

May 2015

  • Beings 2015

    Political science
    Innovation and equity in an age of gene editing

    As experts gather in Atlanta to discuss the rights and wrongs of editing human genomes, four of the attendees (Charis Thompson, Ruha Benjamin, Jessica Cussins and Marcy Darnovsky) explain why it is vital to put social justice at the heart of the debate.