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Mark Dredge

Mark Dredge is a freelance beer, food and travel writer and is the British Guild of Beer Writers' Beer and Food Writer of the Year 2011. He blogs at and you can also follow him on Twitter

October 2012

  • Fresh green hops

    Word of Mouth blog
    Autumn ales: the season of fresh hops

    October's green-hopped beers are the ultimate seasonal draught and a celebration of the English hop harvest. Drink them fresh, drink them local and drink them while you can

January 2011

  • Businessman Buying Drinks In Bar

    Word of Mouth blog
    Beer: how much would you pay?

    The average price of a pint has risen above £3 for the first time. How much is too much to pay for a really appealing pint of beer?

December 2010

  • Variety of Beer

    Word of Mouth blog
    Fancy a pint of bacon beer?

    From a wise man's tipple made with frankincense and myrrh to beer brewed with cannabis, the inventiveness of brewers knows no end. Given a chance, what flavour would you brew?

October 2010

July 2010

  • Home brewing

    Word of Mouth blog
    Brewing's coming home

    The finest, most imaginative beers money can't buy are being made in sheds and garages across the land. What's your first thought when someone offers you a pint of home-brew?

June 2010

  • Pub beer garden

    Word of Mouth blog
    Summer's beer at last

    When the sun comes out so do the golden ales, but there's also a place by the barbecue for darker beers and British lagers. What's your summer favourite and where do you drink it?

April 2010

  • A pint of beer outside a pub

    Word of Mouth blog
    Beer: drinking in the seasons

    Zingy ales for spring time, light golden thirst quenchers for summer. How do the seasons affect your beer drinking?

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