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Mark Fonseca Rendeiro

Mark Fonseca Rendeiro is a citizen reporter who blogs and produces podcasts here. He lives in Amsterdam

April 2012

  • Kabul bomb

    Massoud Hossaini's Pulitzer-winning photo: after the world stops looking

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: However arresting the girl in green is, the idea of staying focused on Afghanistan's progress is unpopular these days

March 2011

  • The bravery of a Portuguese war hero resonates today

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: The neglected house of Aristides de Sousa Mendes stands as a reminder that we must not forget his sacrifice in saving thousands from the Nazis

November 2010

  • Windfarm in Portugal

    Let's be positive about Portugal

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: What if the media shifted direction and stopped scrambling for doom-laden headlines? There's another story to tell ...

May 2010

  • Mongolia's mining wealth is cause for concern

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: As more corporations vie for contracts to mine Mongolia's rich resources, the poor are sold the idea of a better quality of life

March 2010


    You told us
    Keep the PVV's Dutch gains in perspective

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: The Netherlands is a fragmented country – neither a liberal paradise nor swept up in mass far-right fervour

January 2010

  • Hackers of the world unite

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: The word 'hacker' has been debased, but the 26C3 conference was a celebration of talented tinkerers everywhere

June 2009

  • Europe votes
    Dutch courage in Europe

    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
    Mark Fonseca Rendeiro: Europe votes: Fearmonger Geert Wilders has made gains, and he won't even show up for work. At least our liberals are winning too