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Mark Leach

Founder, director and editor in chief of Wonkhe. Working at the intersection of politics and policy in UK higher education

May 2016

  • Sea lions

    Up to the mark
    Why are politicians ignoring universities' concerns about reform?

    Mark Leach
    MPs and vice-chancellors used to communicate openly about policy changes – but silence has descended

November 2015

  • Hands shaking

    Up to the mark
    Reform could force universities to choose between teaching and research

    Mark Leach
    The Tef is call to action for leaders, but it could unite or divide – and exacerbate existing tensions with staff

October 2015

  • chips

    Up to the mark
    Has Hefce had its chips?

    Mark Leach
    Higher education’s biggest quango is feeling the heat – could it be gobbled up just as the Potato Council once was?

September 2015

  • red scissors

    Up to the mark
    The budget-cutters are coming - and research has no place to hide

    Mark Leach
    Ringfencing has protected research and science from waves of cuts, but the current spending review looks set to change all that