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Mary Midgley

Mary Midgley is a moral philosopher with wide interests, author of Beast and Man, Evolution as a Religion and Science as Salvation

January 2012

  • A dog

    The Science Delusion by Rupert Sheldrake - review

    We must find a new way of understanding human beings, argues Mary Midgley

November 2011

  • Close-up on elderly woman's hands

    Age is a continuum – not two tribes to be made equal

    Mary Midgley
    Mary Midgley: Our economy is now so efficient it can provide with no need for older people. Part-time work for all may lead to a better balance

February 2011

  • Soul Dust by Nicholas Humphrey - review

    Consciousness is not just an illusion conjured in the theatre of the brain, says Mary Midgley

September 2010

  • Mary Midgley, Will Self, Mary Beard and Geoff Dyer

    'You may now turn over your papers'

    This week those hoping to become All Souls fellows will sit 'the hardest exam in the world'. The notorious one-word essay question may have been scrapped, but candidates still have to sit the General Paper. We asked four writers who thought their exam days were long behind them to attempt one question in strictly one hour

August 2010

  • Cif belief
    Metaphysics and the limits of science

    Mary Midgley

    Mary Midgley: Face to faith: Serious scientists know that they cannot explain all the major puzzles of existence

June 2010

  • Cif belief
    The abuses of science

    Mary Midgley

    Mary Midgley: Face to faith: Is the evolutionary argument against God's existence any stronger than Isaac Newton's in favour?

February 2010

  • What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli Palmarini

    Darwin is under fire again, but Mary Midgley feels that his ideas have been misrepresented

January 2010

  • The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World by Iain McGilchrist

    Mary Midgley enjoys an exploration of the left-brain/right-brain divide

August 2009

  • Cif belief
    Formulas built in myth

    Mary Midgley
    Mary Midgley: In the history of ideas, strong images like clocks or markets have helped, and hindered, thinking

May 2009

  • Cif belief
    Hobbes Leviathan, part 8: Can we ride the Leviathan?

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes' Leviathan, part 7: His idea of war

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes's Leviathan, part 6: responses to readers

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes's Leviathan, part 5: The end of individualism

    Mary Midgley

April 2009

  • How to believe
    Hobbes's Leviathan, part 4: Selling total freedom

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes's Leviathan, Part 3: What is selfishness?

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes's Leviathan, Part 2: Freedom and Desolation

    Mary Midgley
  • Cif belief
    Hobbes's Leviathan, part 1: Strange selves

    Mary Midgley

February 2009

  • Cif belief
    Selectionism can only take us so far

    Mary Midgley

    Mary Midgley: What are the limits of Darwinian explanations?: Darwin made it clear that he never meant to exalt selection into a kind of 'universal acid'

December 2008

  • Cif belief
    All too human

    Mary Midgley

    Mary Midgley: If we see ourselves as godlike, disaster is inevitable. Reformed religion could help to reverse the trend

October 2008

  • Cif belief
    Cold wars and grand conclusions

    Mary Midgley: The conflicts that matter aren't between different parties in the world but within each one of us, as Darwin knew

About 27 results for Mary Midgley