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Melinda Soos

Melinda Soos contributes to the Letter from section of Guardian Weekly

December 2013

  • Montpellier place comedie

    Letter from
    Letter from France: flavour flood

    Even in a downpour, Montpellier's Halles Laissac market is a treasure trove for gastronomes. Soon it will be a thing of the past

October 2013

  • flower on statue hungary

    Letter from
    Letter from Hungary: beyond walls

    Cemeteries help us honour the dead, but also provide a link for the living

August 2013

  • Letter mongolia khan

    Letter from
    Letter from Mongolia: team spirit

    Prayers, traditional songs and Genghis Khan vodka lift the mood of an ambulance crew on a run to a rural clinic

June 2013

  • letter turkmenistan niyazov

    Letter from
    Letter from Turkmenistan: hushed Mary

    Conversation in the once-Soviet region remains muffled

April 2013

  • letter from australia

    Letter from
    Letter from Australia: local buzz

    One part of the Peel Harvey Estuary is an idyllic setting blessed by nature. Except, that is, for the mosquitoes

December 2012

  • French bread letter

    Letter from
    Letter from France: Daily bread

    Being a baker is a very serious business in a country where 97% of families buy loaves daily

August 2011

  • kurdish boy celebrates new year

    Letter from
    Iraq: yellow sun may soon rise over an autonomous homeland

    A search for stamps brings a traveller closer to the Kurds who are waiting to establish a nation
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