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Melissa McEwan

Melissa McEwan is a freelance writer and founder of the progressive blog Shakespeare's Sister

January 2013

  • Shirley Chambers Chicago Gun Crime

    Chicago mom who lost four children to gun violence asks when will US wake up

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: The gun lobby's resistance to meaningful gun control will leave more dead and mothers like Shirley Chambers mourning

May 2011

  • Laura Ingraham

    MSNBC's double standard on Ed Schultz's 'slut' disgrace

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: MSNBC acts righteous at the sexist slur against Laura Ingraham, but the liberal network is a repeat enabler of casual misogyny

December 2010

  • Elizabeth Edwards, 2007

    Elizabeth Edwards: anything but victim

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: The fact that she was forced to transcend the role of 'political wife' only underlines the dignity and strength she did it with

October 2010

  • A billboard displaying a message of abstinence towards teen sex

    Sex in the US: the shocking truth

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: The way a survey is reported, you'd think it's a surprise anyone's having any. This hypocritical puritanism poisons public discourse

May 2010

  • A 'lynch mob' for Polanski? Where?

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: Robert Harris is concerned that the media is out to get Roman Polanski – but his own argument doesn't add up

March 2010

  • Utah bill reduces women to incubators

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: It's already hard to get an abortion in Utah. Now a new bill opens the door to prosecuting women who 'intentionally' miscarry

February 2010

  • liberty central
    Free speech wasn't meant for this

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: Scott Roeder's YouTube interview allows the man who killed Dr George Tiller to justify and spread his message of violent hatred

January 2010

  • Tim Tebow

    Mixing a Super Bowl of manipulation

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: An anti-abortion ad, to be shown to millions during American sports' prime time, hinges upon a deliberate distortion

December 2009

  • Goodbye to the noughties
    I've changed my mind about attitudes to gay marriage

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: Goodbye to the noughties: I had to revise my views about the hope for same-sex marriage when two north American cities legalised it in the same week

November 2009

  • Oprah and Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin, plain boring

    Melissa McEwan
  • Mourning gay marriage in Maine

    Melissa McEwan

October 2009

  • The healthcare that isn't

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: US health insurers can define domestic violence as a 'pre-existing condition' and refuse to pay to treat its victims

September 2009

  • Roman Polanski's life of crime

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: Roman Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a 13-year-old. Being a brilliant artist doesn't change or excuse that fact

  • dirty dancing

    Dirty Dancing, feminist masterpiece

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: Patrick Swayze's film delivered a subversive counter-narrative to the things I was taught as a teenager about women and sex

  • Dynasties and double standards

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: From Hillary Clinton to Caroline Kennedy to Jenna Bush, people seem to object most strongly to nepotism if women benefit

August 2009

  • Misogyny, up close and personal

    Melissa McEwan
  • Protesters hold signs outside of the school where Barack Obama held a town hall meeting on healthcare reform in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    Pull the plug on Senator Death Panel

    Melissa McEwan

July 2009

  • George Bush In Germany

    George Bush's sex education failure

    Melissa McEwan
  • Delegates cheer as Sarah Palin takes the stage at the Republican National Convention in St Paul.

    Palin could be crazy like a fox

    Melissa McEwan

June 2009

  • Mark Sanford needs a new faith

    Melissa McEwan

    Melissa McEwan: The threat of eternal damnation didn't help the governor of South Carolina to keep his pants on

About 102 results for Melissa McEwan
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