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Michael Axworthy

Michael Axworthy is author of Revolutionary Iran and a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter

October 2017

  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump’s demonisation of Iran is dishonest and dangerous

    Michael Axworthy
    The nuclear deal is a force for stability in the unstable Middle East –and to endanger it is irresponsible, says Michael Axworthy, author of Revolutionary Iran

June 2017

  • Police in the area of Iran’s parliament building.

    The Tehran attack makes it clear: we’re on the same side as Iran against Isis

    Michael Axworthy
    Islamic State hates Shia Muslims as much as it hates the west. UK foreign policy needs to reflect the fact that the terror group is a common enemy

December 2016

  • Yemenis inspect the wreckage of  a funeral hall in Sana’a wrongly targeted by Saudi-led airstrikes in an attack that killed 140 people

    Now is a good time for the UK to tell Saudi Arabia some unpalatable truths

    Michael Axworthy
    We cannot say we abhor the use of weapons against civilians in Aleppo, yet supply such weapons for use against civilians in Yemen

November 2016

  • A local newspaper in Tehran, Iran, displaying a portrait of Donald Trump a day after his election as the new US president.

    Why Donald Trump needs the Iran nuclear deal

    Michael Axworthy
    If Trump walks away from the agreement, Iran will revert to its previous policy of enriching uranium that could someday be used to create a nuclear weapon

September 2016

  • US sailors under detention by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards after their patrol boats entered Iranian waters unintentionally, January 2016.

    Donald Trump is an American Ahmadinejad

    Michael Axworthy
    Whoever’s president, the future of US-Iran relations isn’t rosy. Trump is populist and unpredictable, but Clinton’s hawkishness could mean a hardline approach

January 2015

  • President Barack Obama with Saudi Arabian King Salman.

    Is it time to make Iran our friend and Saudi Arabia our enemy?

    Michael Axworthy
    Far from being a guarantee of stability in the Middle East, the western alliance with the kingdom is an impediment to peace

July 2014

  • Iran nuclear talks in Austria

    A nuclear deal with Iran by 20 July is still on the cards

    Michael Axworthy
    Michael Axworthy: Despite suggestions that the deadline for negotiations may be extended, the benefits of a settlement for all parties are now in plain view

November 2013

  • Mohammad Javad Zarif shakes hands with the US secretary of state, John Kerry,

    The nuclear deal with Iran is a historic victory for diplomacy

    Michael Axworthy
    Michael Axworthy: There are risks, and much still to be done, but after more than a decade of interventionist wars this nuclear deal is welcome

June 2013

  • Toby Morison illo for Michael Axworthy

    Iran elections: there's room for surprise, but the system will win out

    Michael Axworthy
    Michael Axworthy: The new president will come from a shrinking field of candidates, approved by a state determined to survive

February 2013

  • Saeed Jalili

    A nuclear deal is just one deep breath away

    Michael Axworthy
    Michael Axworthy: Iran and the the US can make nuclear history – all their leaders need is the political courage to say yes