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Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards is a distinguished senior fellow at Demos in New York, and the author of Small Change: Why Business Won't Save the World, published by Berrett-Koehler

September 2012

  • MDG : Haiti Earthquake NGOs response : Save the Children

    Poverty matters blog
    Could an emergency fund help NGOs put the humanitarian house in order?

    Michael Edwards: A new kind of standing fund for emergencies might cut through NGOs' self-interest and hand control to groups on the ground

October 2011

  • Philanthropy

    Bellagio Initiative: philanthropy and global development
    The protean nature of philanthropy is one of its greatest assets

    Michael Edwards: An ecosystem of different foundations and funding styles will serve development more effectively than a monoculture

September 2010

  • Direct transfers could end bureaucratic top-down foreign aid

    Michael Edwards
    Michael Edwards: Giving the world's poorest people the means to make their own aid choices would lay stronger foundations for future prosperity

February 2010

  • Why business won't save the world

    Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards: It's time to pour the generosity of 'philantro-capitalists' into development funds under democratic control