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Michael Kimmel

Michael Kimmel is the author of Guyland and Angry White Men. He directs the center for the study of men and masculinities at New York's Stony Brook University.

April 2018

  • robdobi guardian arrow

    Almost all violent extremists share one thing: their gender

    Most people who commit acts of terrorist violence are young men. We overlook their gender to our peril

November 2014

  • Father shopping with won

    International Men’s Day – what are we celebrating?

    Michael Kimmel
    Michael Kimmel: It’s clear why women have their day but men don’t really need the same. Perhaps fathers and sons should bond over domestic skills instead

June 2009

  • Has the New Dad finally arrived?

    Michael Kimmel
    Michael Kimmel: Today's fathers spend more time with their children and help more in the home – but they still have some way to go