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Michael Macdonnell

Michael Macdonnell was formerly an advisor at the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit. He is now director at The 10 Partnership, a firm dedicated to public
sector improvement

June 2010

  • Sir Humphrey

    Effective cuts need effective civil service

    Michael Macdonnell

    Michael Macdonnell: The civil service, encumbered by its generalist bureaucratic workforce, will not be able to implement budget cuts as it is

February 2010

  • Resilient, but still not radical

    Michael Macdonnell
    Michael Macdonnell: Gordon Brown may be holding on while the Tory poll lead lessens, but Labour needs to push forward a reforming agenda

November 2009

  • Basildon hospital, in Essex

    Failing hospitals should close

    Michael Macdonnell

    Michael Macdonnell: Experience in Thurrock, Basildon and Colchester shows a need not for regulation but reform: punish failure and reward success

September 2009

  • Labour must re-examine its values

    Michael Macdonnell

    Michael Macdonnell: Conference season 09: To avoid the political wilderness, Labour must reaffirm its progressive principles

July 2009

  • The positive side of cutbacks

    Michael Macdonnell
    Michael Macdonnell: Spending constraints could be a welcome opportunity for some much-needed public sector reforms

June 2009

  • Entitlements give power to the people

    Michael Macdonnell
    Michael Macdonnell: Done the right way, Brown's reforms are a compelling way to improve public services and give individuals real control

April 2009

  • Budget: 50p rate leaves us all worse off

    Michael Macdonnell and Richard Murray
    Michael Macdonnell and Richard Murray: Soak-the-rich politics may seem appealing, but it is rooted in a misguided radical egalitarian tradition