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Michael Moran

Michael Moran is editor-at-large for, and the creator of the literary spoof 100 Books I'll Never Write

April 2015

  • Taylor Swift

    For us 40- and 50-somethings, Taylor Swift isn’t just mid-life crisis music

    Michael Moran
  • Robin Grey with his ukulele

    Speaking truth to power is the way to go. Using a ukulele to do it isn’t

    Michael Moran

September 2014

  • A Google employee putting on the roof of the company's Toronto office.

    Google has sleep pods, Yelp has beer – why don’t we just live at work?

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: If we want to further blur the boundaries between leisure and work, offices will be full of pool tables, nursery webcams and exercise treadmills before we know it

July 2014

  • Hulk Brazil misses a penalty

    Forget penalties, here are five better ways to decide who wins the World Cup

    Michael Moran

    Michael Moran: What about a bake-off? Or even a dance contest to decide the outcome of a game? That would be more exciting, and fairer

April 2014

  • Child with laptop

    Long after we're gone, our online witterings will endure

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Flippant comments under news articles could be the biggest mark I leave on civilisation. My digital legacy needs cleaning up

March 2014

  • The Walking Dead

    Now it's The Walking Dead for kids – must we all be teenage zombies?

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: I can't think of many popular TV dramas this year that weren't focused on the Key Stage 3 set. Our society is becoming juvenile

February 2014

  • Running addiction

    Face it, everyone's addicted to something

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: It's not just cigarettes that are hard to quit – exercise, coffee, video games or shouting at Question Time are habit-forming too

January 2014

  • Beaver Stripping Bark

    If beavers won't dam our rivers, there's lots of badgers looking for work

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Hey Owen Paterson, the idea that beavers are the answer to flooding is not so daft. Failing that, badgers are ready, willing – and here

November 2013

  • bandaged man in hospital bed

    Tripadvisor-style reviews for the NHS? You've got to be joking

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Online 'customer' comments could allow us to indulge in our latest national pastime: leaving silly reviews

September 2013

  • Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman

    When it comes to addict-TV we want a mash-up, not a repeat

    Michael Moran

    Michael Moran: The success of Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead will be diluted by spin-offs: how about a hybrid of the two?

  • Jurassic Park 1993

    Jurassic World: a prehistoric franchise brought back from the dead

    Michael Moran

    Michael Moran: The original Jurassic Park remains the definitive dinosaur flick, but these soulless blockbuster sequels deserve extinction

  • Thornhill primary school

    5 things to do instead of the school run

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: If you're facing down the desperate blank space where the school run used to be as your kids hit year 7, here's a few ideas

August 2013

  • Drinking in a pub

    Let's hope it's not closing time for the traditional pub

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Microbreweries and chain pubs look like being the future, but the decline of the local boozer would be a loss for community life
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts

    Call of Duty: Ghosts has female avatars. Do you like the new face of warfare?

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: I get abuse just because players assume from my username that I'm black. I wonder what'll happen with female soldiers
  • Charles Saatchi and Nigella Lawson dining outside Scott's restaurant, London

    The dark side of summer

    Michael Moran

    Michael Moran: Some sit at Nigella and Charles' table, others take a trip to Auschwitz. But misery tourism is never a good look

July 2013

  • Prince Harry Presents The King George IV and Queen Elizabeth Stakes Trophy At Ascot

    Harry, prince of fun? Only if you're into naked billiards

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: The promise made to Prince George may backfire if he grows up to be a bookish nerd more interested in metaphysics than Mahiki
  • Sergey Brin Google Glass

    From VHS to Google Glass, porn drives the tech market

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Attempts to keep porn off Glass are doomed to failure – sex and technology are twirled around each other like twists of fruity DNA
  • Text message on a mobile phone stating I've been seeing someone else.

    Computers detecting sarcasm better than humans? Yeah, right

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: New software is said to have an 80% success rate in detecting a jokey tone. If only it had been around for General MacArthur

June 2013

  • George Osborne and Barack Obama

    How Barack Obama can avoid having to remember George Osborne's name

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: So Bart, you got George Osborne mixed up with a soft soul crooning knitwear model. I get this problem – let me help

May 2013

  • Xbox One is shown on display during a press event unveiling Microsoft's new Xbox in Redmond

    The Xbox One launch and technology's summer of ... meh

    Michael Moran
    Michael Moran: Judging by the lukewarm reception for Xbox One, the techlust that keeps capitalism's wheels turning could be grinding to a halt
About 24 results for Michael Moran