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Michael Nazir-Ali

The Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali is the retired Bishop of Rochester

May 2011

  • Iraq's Christian community pray

    Cif belief
    A true resurrection in Iraq

    Michael Nazir-Ali
    Michael Nazir-Ali: Two Christian communities in Baghdad show real hope for Iraq's historic diversity – if politicians do their bit

January 2011

  • Cif belief
    The alien narrative behind Salmaan Taseer's murder

    Michael Nazir-Ali
    Michael Nazir-Ali: Face to faith: Pakistan must root out the teaching of religious hatred to stop a slide towards civil war

November 2010

  • Cif belief
    Repeal Pakistan's blasphemy law

    Michael Nazir-Ali

    Michael Nazir-Ali: Face to faith: If Pakistan is serious about freedom of speech its blasphemy law must go

September 2010

  • Cif belief
    We cannot afford to shun Pakistan

    Michael Nazir-Ali
    Michael Nazir-Ali: Face to faith: The world must not abandon Pakistan to the religious extremists

May 2010

  • Cif belief
    It's not just the economy, stupid

    Michael Nazir-Ali
    Michael Nazir-Ali: Amid pressure to slash budgets, the new government must not leave the spiritual and moral agenda out of its plans

October 2009

  • Cif belief
    The BNP's values aren't Christian

    Michael Nazir-Ali

    Michael Nazir-Ali: The Judeo-Christian tradition that informs so much of our national life is deeply inimical to the BNP's narrow, racist vision

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