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Michelle Chen

Michelle Chen is a contributing writer at the Nation and contributing editor at In These Times and Dissent magazines.

March 2022

  • atlanta-anniv-v2

    ‘She could have been your mother’: anti-Asian racism a year after Atlanta spa shootings

    The spa shootings in Georgia killed six Asian women but as a community tries to heal, hate incidents are on the rise

February 2019

  • Eddy Zheng

    Antiracism and America
    Activist and ex-prisoner Eddy Zheng: 'How do we humanize each other?'

    The youth organizer, who spent two decades in California’s San Quentin prison, credits a grassroots education with saving his life

June 2018

  • Construction workers and union members hold a rally in Columbus Circle in New York City

    The upside
    Can millennials save unions in America?

    The US Supreme Court has just stripped back the power of organised labour still further, but millennials don’t care. In an era of inequality and frustration they are joining unions in unprecedented numbers

July 2017

  • Syrian refugees

    Why Trump's travel ban hits women the hardest

    Michelle Chen
    On top of alienating an entire religious community, Trump’s ban on future refugee admissions deepens the endemic gender injustice of warfare

June 2017

  • Graduates in caps and gowns

    Inequality and opportunity in America
    Women owe two-thirds of student loan debt. This points to a slow-burning crisis

    Michelle Chen
    Women are borrowing more to ‘get ahead’ on the career ladder, only to find their futures constrained by the shackles of debt

November 2014

  • arnold abbott homeless

    Want to feed the homeless? Be prepared to pay the government for the privilege

    Michelle Chen
    Michelle Chen: Cities are enacting politics to keep homeless people out of sight and uphold a social order riven by racial and economic inequality

August 2014

  • dreamers graduating

    Even bright young immigrants don't buy Obama's executive action fail

    Michelle Chen
    Michelle Chen: Whatever unilateral intervention the president may take, it isn’t nearly enough to offset the systematic betrayal of immigrant communities

July 2014

  • detained children

    Obama's new plan for detained migrant children militarizes immigration policy

    Michelle Chen
    Michelle Chen: Mass deportation will never address the underlying human rights crisis unfolding south of the US-Mexico border

June 2014

  • starbucks

    Starbucks baristudents should beware the green mermaid bearing gifts

    Michelle Chen
  • graduation

    If colleges didn't waste your tuition, we wouldn't need new student loan reform

    Michelle Chen

November 2013

  • New York Chinatown

    Chinatown: the next front in the gentrification war

    Michelle Chen

    Michelle Chen: Chinatowns across the US are being replaced by 'development'. For those fighting back, it's about civil rights not just culture

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