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Michelle Richardson

Michelle Richardson is a legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, a nonresident fellow at Stanford Law's Center for Internet and Society, and a member of the American Bar Association's Taskforce on Cybersecurity.

February 2014

  • day we fight back

    Five surveillance myths stalling NSA reform, debunked

    Michelle Richardson, legislative counsel for the ACLU
    Michelle Richardson: The Day We Fight Back deserves truth amidst the administration’s half-truths and trolling. From thwarted attacks (zero) to President Obama’s new rules (not good enough), this is what you need to know to make real reform happen

November 2013

  • Dianne Feinstein

    Feinstein's NSA bill shows she doesn't have a clue about intelligence reform

    Michelle Richardson

    Michelle Richardson: Senator Feinstein's bill is a big step backwards for privacy. In contrast, the USA Freedom Act would stop intelligence abuses