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Mo Ibrahim

Mo Ibrahim is the founder of Celtel International. In 2006, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation launched the Prize for Achievement in African Leadership

February 2019

  • Supporters of Martin Fayulu, the runner-up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s presidential elections, at a protest rally following the result of January’s presidential election

    Congo's election: a defeat for democracy, a disaster for the people

    Mo Ibrahim and Alan Doss
    In accepting the controversial outcome of DRC’s presidential election, the global community has failed the country

November 2014

  • B Team

    Open letter to the G20: exposing the corporate shell game is good for business – and the world

    Mo Ibrahim
    Some people hide their identities behind anonymous companies to commit crime and corruption. G20 leaders now have a powerful opportunity to address the problem

October 2010

  • World Cup 2010

    Poverty matters blog
    'Africa's prosperity rests on harnessing our potential for the benefit of all'

    Mo Ibrahim: A landmark year has highlighted Africa's dynamism and drive, yet challenges of governance and leadership remain

June 2010

  • Mo Ibrahim

    Sarah Boseley's global health blog
    Mo Ibrahim calls on UK government to act against corruption

    Celtel billionaire whose Foundation works for good governance in Africa urges the new UK government to champion anti-corruption legislation for European companies that seek to do business on the African continent

October 2009

  • Mandelas, not Mobutus

    Mo Ibrahim

    Mo Ibrahim: Visionary leadership is key to Africa's progress, and there are effective ways of encouraging it