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Nancy Graham Holm

Nancy Graham Holm was educated at the University of California, Berkeley and London School of Economics. She was a television journalist between 1972 and 1991 and has won many awards including three Emmys. She became a journalism educator in 1991 at the national school of journalism in Aarhus, Denmark. She retired from teaching in 2007. She is writing a book on feminism in the Abraham religions, including the "gender jihad" among Muslim women world-wide

February 2010

  • Why is kindness conflated with capitulation?

    Nancy Graham Holm
    Nancy Graham Holm: The only way to diminish violent Islamic fanaticism is to engage in dialogue with kindness and compassion

January 2010

  • Cif belief
    Prejudiced Danes provoke fanaticism

    Nancy Graham Holm

    Nancy Graham Holm: Publishing Kurt Westergaard's cartoon was an aggressive act born of Denmark's reluctance to respect religious belief