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Oliver Morgan

June 2008

  • Parallel trade in drugs puts EU patients at risk

    Pharmaceutical manufacturers want a crackdown on the practice of buying cheap medicines to re-export at a higher price, a trade that creates shortages in countries such as Greece - and, arguably, allows in dangerous counterfeits. Oliver Morgan reports

July 2007

  • Eastern magic of a luxury brand

  • Branson hit by invasion of Virgin territory

  • C&W faces rebellion on windfalls for executives

  • Postal union threatens to escalate strikes in war with Royal Mail

  • Virgin orders eight more Boeings

  • Defence firms face bribery probe by pension funds

  • BAA checks in for another summer of discontent

  • Brown nuclear pledge prompts legal threat

June 2007

  • Investment fears provoke UK envoys to seek Chinese talks

  • British 'failing India's lowest caste workers'

  • Royal Mail braced for six months of strikes

  • From industrial zones to tree-lined avenues

  • Woolf's BAE ethics probe 'is a nonsense'

  • Ford stalls at dangerous crossroad

  • Firms 'should be forced to reveal pay gap'

  • Vodafone backers target bosses' pay

  • Iraqi government threatens arrest for leaders of striking oil workers

  • Putin's tough talk over gas may yet flare up in his face

  • Talk or we strike, say post workers

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