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Robert Hunter

Robert Hunter was US ambassador to Nato and represented the United States to the European Union, 1993-98. He was in charge of West European Affairs at the National Security Council, 1977-79, and is currently senior fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the School of Advanced International Studies 

November 2016

  • Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

    This victory need not trouble Nato – Trump will find he needs friends in Europe

    Robert Hunter
    The president-elect knows it is better to face the world with allies than alone. And greater military self-sufficiency is an EU objective anyway

June 2016

  • Flotilla Of Pro Brexit fishing Vessels Protest Outside The Houses of Parliament<br>As a flotilla of fishing vessels on the River Thames arrive outside the Houses of Parliament, protesters gather to cheer them on as part of the Vote Leave Campaign, to make the case for Brexit in the EU Referendum on June 15th in London, United Kingdom. The flotilla was organised by Scottish skippers as part of the Fishing for Leave campaign which is against European regulation of the fishing industry, and the CFP (Common Fisheries Policy). Between 30 and 35 trawlers travelled up the Thames, through Tower Bridge and moored in the Pool of London. (photo by Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)

    Parliament voted to hold the EU referendum – it can vote to ignore it

    Robert Hunter
    You Brits invented parliamentary democracy. Take it from an American – it should still hold sway. But start again with a new government. No fiddle faddle

February 2016

  • Next stop: Brexit? Boris Johnson and David Cameron have different ideas about the UK’s direction of travel.

    We Americans can’t wait for Britain to stop dithering about Europe

    Robert Hunter
    For more than 50 years I’ve watched our British friends have this debate. So please, for my and my country’s sake, make a decision