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Rowena Xiaoqing He

Rowena Xiaoqing He is author of Tiananmen Exiles: Voices of the Struggle for Democracy in China

June 2019

  • Tiananmen Square on 2 June 1989

    China continues to deny Tiananmen, but we won’t let the world forget

    Rowena Xiaoqing He
    Commemorations to those killed in Tiananmen Square in 1989 will show the Chinese government we will not be silenced, says writer Rowena Xiaoqing He

September 2014

  • Protestors outside the headquarters of Legislative Council in Hong Kong on 29 September 2014

    The fight for democracy is not just a challenge for the people of Hong Kong

    Rowena Xiaoqing He
    Rowena He: The pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong harbour fewer illusions that the students of Tiananmen Square did, but it is difficult not to draw parallels