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Rowenna Davis

Rowenna Davis is a journalist and former Labour councillor

July 2015

  • Rowenna Davis, canvassing in Southampton Itchen

    Trust the people – my message to the next Labour leader

    Rowenna Davis
    As a defeated Labour candidate in a marginal seat, I saw first-hand how many people no longer felt welcome in the party. We need to build a sense of hope and optimism about the future

September 2014

  • James Turner Street, Benefits Street

    Derby Road doesn’t want to be the immigration version of Benefits Street

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: Our community is the location for a second Channel 4 series. But immigration isn’t about entertainment. We don’t want this

February 2014

  • 2010 General Election Polling Day

    What is the real motive behind individual voter registration?

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: Conservative party proposals to make each household member register will further alienate those unlikely to vote for them

September 2013

  • Hampstead School

    Hampstead School's 'anarchist' blogger should not face censure

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: A headteacher's decision to report 19-year-old Kinnan Zaloom to police for a blog critical of the school stifles free thought

March 2013

  • Staffordshire bull terrier

    You told us
    Dangerous dogs policy in the wake of the terrible death of Jade Anderson

    Rowenna Davis
  • Hands Up For Peace, an anti-war campaign set up by school students to protest at  Iraq

    Iraq war: 10 years on
    How an anti-Iraq war handprint protest helped politicise our generation

    Rowenna Davis

February 2013

  • Peckham peace wall

    Don't knock Peckham, easyJet – we're more like Paris than you'd think

    Rowenna Davis

    Rowenna Davis: Stelios, come to Peckham and you'll see a proud, hardworking community battling against tired old stereotypes

January 2013

  • Arnie Graf

    Labour neglected its grassroots. But the 'ground game' is back

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: Arnie Graf has been brought in to change Labour's top-down culture – the American's approach is badly needed by the party

November 2012

  • Arnie Graf

    Arnie Graf: The man Ed Miliband asked to rebuild Labour

    'Who's Ed Miliband?' the Chicago activist asked when he was invited to carry out a radical overhaul of the Labour party. But he took the job anyway ...

August 2012

  • Job Centre Plus

    What's the alternative?
    Jobseekers need a touch of humanity to stay afloat

    Rowenna Davis

    Rowenna Davis: What's the alternative?: Instead of linking a single person with the state, a new system helps jobseekers connect with the community

July 2012

  • A man at a slot machine

    Reducing gambling regulation will ruin more lives

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: MPs are wrong to suggest easing restrictions on an industry already causing massive damage to our communities

June 2012

  • Martha Payne has been publishing a blog showing pictures of her school meals

    One girl's school dinners campaign is enough to give us all hope

    Rowenna Davis
    Rowenna Davis: News that Martha Payne's local council has lifted its ban on her photographing her meals shows children can make a difference

May 2012

  • Peter Chan (left) and David Li

    Why the Chinese community is a dead cert for bookies

    The growing number of bookmakers' shops is compounding gambling problems in Chinatown, says campaigners

October 2011

  • Vivienne Westwood

    Are Britain's art schools in crisis, as fees stifle a creative generation?

    Fear of debt and not getting a job hits applicants for art and design courses
  • Cromer crabs, north Norfolk.

    Stephen Fry leads celebrities in campaign to save Cromer's crab factory

    Matthew Pinsent and Alan Titchmarsh rally to small Norfolk town's revolt against job losses

  • rowenna davis email hacked

    How an email hacker ruined my life and then tried to sell it back to me

    Rowenna Davis tells how her identity was held hostage by an email hacker who wanted £500 to let her back into her account – and explains how it felt worse than daylight robbery

September 2011

  • terrier type dog

    Public Leaders viewpoint
    Beware of the law when it comes to dangerous dogs

    Campaigners say the Dangerous Dogs Act is 'irrational' and want the legislation to be changed. Rowenna Davis reports on a recent debate

  • David and Ed Miliband embrace after the latter was voted new leader of the Labour party

    Glasman agonised over which Miliband to support in Labour leadership contest

    Blue Labour thinker was pressured by brothers to come down on one side or the other, but found he clicked better with Ed
  • Lord Glasman, photographed at the terrace at the Houses of Parliament

    Lord Glasman, the Blue Labour thinker who crosses party's red lines

    Extracts from a new book describe how a near-destitute academic became a peer with a hotline to Ed Miliband

August 2011

  • UK riots: police won the battle, but a community will win the war

    Southwark borough councillor Rowenna Davis says the riots revealed the truly ugly side to society, but in the same night we also saw the best of it

About 166 results for Rowenna Davis