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Stephen Hicks

Dr Hicks is a postdoctoral research fellow in seismology at the University of Southampton. He tweets as @seismo_steve

April 2018

  • A large chasm that appeared in Kenya’s Rift Valley.

    Notes & Theories
    Africa is slowly splitting in two – but this 'crack' in Kenya has little to do with it

    A widely reported crack in the Rift Valley was not formed by tectonic movement, but by erosion of soil from recent heavy rains

September 2017

  • Earthquake hits Mexico - 20 Sep 2017<br>Mandatory Credit: Photo by El Universal/REX/Shutterstock (9068758t)
Damage from a 7.1 earthquake that hit Mexico
Earthquake hits Mexico - 20 Sep 2017

    Notes & Theories
    Rupture within tectonic plate is probable cause of Mexico earthquakes

    Mexico’s most recent earthquakes did not directly involve two tectonic plates clashing, as is commonly the case. Seismologist Dr Stephen Hicks explains

March 2017

  • The aftermath of the devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami that killed almost 16,000 people in northeastern Japan. Understanding the mechanisms of plate boundaries is of vital interest in predicting and responding to such disasters.

    Notes & Theories
    The bangs, crackles and hums of Earth's seismic orchestra

    Study gets to the bottom of ‘musical symphony’ produced in regions prone to mega-quakes as scientists work toward better quake hazard forecasting