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Susan Hawthorne

Susan Hawthorne is co-founder with Renate Klein of Spinifex Press which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2016. She is the author of Bibliodiversity: A Manifesto for Independent Publishing (2014).

December 2017

  • Photo of Amazon Australia’s website.

    Amazon has come to Australia with its model to recolonise our markets and minds

    Susan Hawthorne
    If you want more than the mass-market American stories about crime and celebrities, you might want to consider which books you buy and where

May 2016

  • man chooses book in library

    The looming threat to our book industry is bad for authors, publishers ... but mostly for you

    Susan Hawthorne
    Understanding why it’s bad to abolish restrictions on the importation of books can be hard, which means it can be hard to care. But trust me, you need know why this is terrible for us all