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Thomas Harding

Thomas Harding is the author of White Debt: the Demerara Uprising and Britain’s Legacy of Slavery

March 2024

  • Portrait of Brigitte Höss. She died in October 2023, and was the last person to remember what life was like in the villa at Auschwitz.

    ‘Mum knew what was going on’: Brigitte Höss on living at Auschwitz, in the Zone of Interest family

    Her father was Rudolf Höss, the camp’s commandant. He was arrested by the Jewish great-uncle of the writer Thomas Harding, to whom Brigitte gave this, her final interview – and confession

January 2022

  • The plinth where the statue of Edward Colston stood, Bristol, 6 January 2022.

    My family benefited from slavery. Why can’t we accept white people still owe a huge debt?

    Thomas Harding
    The Colston Four’s acquittal gives me hope that Britain’s legacy is being recognised, says author Thomas Harding