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Vesna Maric

Vesna Maric is the author of Bluebird (Granta, 2009), a memoir charting her arrival in the UK as a teenage refugee from Bosnia in 1992. She lives in London and works as a writer and journalist

March 2016

  • Radovan Karadzic

    With Radovan Karadžić sentenced, Bosnia-Herzegovina must move forward

    Vesna Maric
    Twenty years on, a country torn in half by the former Bosnian Serb leader is still scarred. The UN tribunal’s verdict gives it a chance to look to the future

April 2012

  • A former sniper's view of the Bosnian capital Sarajevo

    Bosnia-Herzegovina wears its history like a pair of cement shoes

    Vesna Maric
    Vesna Maric: As war tourists ingest 20 years of horror stories with their picnics, it's time to challenge the labels 'war-torn' and 'troubled'

May 2011

  • Portraits of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre

    What to tell my daughter about Srebrenica

    Vesna Maric
    Vesna Maric: News of Ratko Mladic's arrest tugged at my gut. It was a long time coming but I feel no solace