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Vicky Beeching

Vicky Beeching is a theologian, writer and broadcaster. She regularly discusses religious stories on BBC News and Sky News, and presents Thought For The Day on Radio 4's Today programme

September 2016

  • The Bishop of Grantham, Rev Nicholas Chamberlain

    The first openly gay bishop is a huge step forward – but it’s not enough

    Vicky Beeching
    It’s great to see the Church of England’s acceptance of Nicholas Chamberlain. But many LGBT people like myself feel held back from priesthood by the rules about sexuality

August 2014

  • vicky_beeching

    Christian singer Vicky Beeching: 'I knew I was gay when I was 13' – video

    A huge star on the American evangelical Christian scene, Vicky Beeching found the stress of being gay in a very conservative community almost intolerable and became seriously ill. Here she tells how she reached breaking point

November 2012

  • The new Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

    Cif belief
    How social media could swing the vote for women bishops

    Vicky Beeching
    Vicky Beeching: Our campaign is using Twitter, Facebook and a website to try to persuade the General Synod to back women bishops